Chapter 2

1 When someone wants to give a grain offering to God, it must be of fine flour; they are to pour oil on it and add frankincense.
2 He must take it to the priests, Aaron’s sons. He must scoop out a handful of the flour and oil, along with all the frankincense. The priest will then burn this portion on the altar as a fire offering, a pleasing aroma to God.
3 Aaron and his sons will get the rest of the grain offering; it is a very holy part of the offerings to God made with fire.
4 If you offer a grain gift cooked in an oven, it should be flatbreads without yeast made from fine flour mixed with oil, or thin crackers without yeast spread with oil.
5 If your offering is a grain baked in a pan, it should be made of pure flour without yeast, mixed with oil.
6 You will cut it into pieces and pour oil on it: it is a food offering.
7 If your gift is a grain offering cooked in a pan, make it with fine flour and oil.
8 Bring the grain offering made from these things to God. When you give it to the priest, he will take it to the altar.
9 The priest will take a part of the grain offering to remember it, and burn it on the altar. It is a fire offering, a pleasing aroma to God.
10 Aaron and his sons can have what’s left of the grain offering; it is very holy and comes from the offerings made to God by fire.
11 Do not use yeast when you make any food offering for God. You must not burn any yeast or honey in a fire offering to God.
12 For the offering of the first crops, give them to God, but do not burn them on the altar as a pleasing aroma.
13 In all grain offerings you make, you must use salt. Do not forget to add the salt that represents your agreement with God. Include salt with all your offerings.
14 If you bring a grain offering of your first crops to God, you must present roasted green heads of grain as the grain offering from your first crops.
15 Put oil on it and place frankincense on top: it is a food offering.
16 The priest will burn some of the crushed grain and some of the oil, along with all the incense, as a reminder. This is a fire offering to God.