1 Corinthians
Chapter 2

1 When I came to you, friends, I did not use fancy talking or great wisdom to tell you about God.
2 I decided to focus only on knowing about Jesus Christ and his crucifixion when I was with you.
3 I was with you feeling weak, scared, and shaking a lot.
4 My speaking and preaching weren’t with fancy words of human wisdom, but with clear evidence of the Spirit and power.
5 Your faith should not be based on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
6 We talk about deep understanding with the mature, but it’s not the knowledge of this world or its leaders, which will all end.
7 We talk about God’s wisdom that is secret and hidden, wisdom that God decided before the world began for our glory.
8 The rulers of this world did not understand this; if they had, they would not have crucified the glorious Lord.
9 People have not seen, heard, or even imagined what God has ready for those who love Him.
10 God has shown these things to us through his Spirit, because the Spirit explores everything, even the deep things of God.
11 Who knows what a person thinks except their own spirit? Just like that, no one knows God’s thoughts except God’s Spirit.
12 We have received, not the world’s spirit, but the spirit from God; so we can know what God has freely given us.
13 We speak about these things not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the Holy Spirit, explaining spiritual truths with the help of the Spirit.
14 A person without the Spirit does not accept what comes from God’s Spirit, because it seems foolish to them. They cannot understand it because it must be understood in a spiritual way.
15 The spiritual person can assess everything, but no one can judge him.
16 Who has understood God’s thoughts, that they could teach Him? But we think like Christ.