Chapter 28

1 God’s message came to me again, saying,
2 Human, tell the ruler of Tyre, “God says: Because you are proud and claim, ‘I am a god, I sit on a god’s throne surrounded by the seas,’ but you are just a human, not a god, even though you think you have a god’s mind.”
3 Look, you are wiser than Daniel; no secret can be hidden from you.
4 With your wisdom and understanding, you have gained wealth, and have collected gold and silver for your treasures.
5 With your great wisdom and trade, you have grown rich, and your heart has become proud because of your wealth.
6 So God says, “Because you think you have the same mind as God;”
7 So, I will send foreigners to attack you, the most feared people from different countries. They will use their swords against all that you have made beautiful with your wisdom, and they will ruin your splendor.
8 They will take you down to the pit, and you will die like those killed at sea.
9 Will you still claim to be God in front of your killer? You will be just a man, not a god, at the mercy of your killer.
10 You will die like those who are not part of God’s people, killed by foreigners, because I, God, have said it.
11 God spoke to me again, saying,
12 Human, sing a sad song for the king of Tyre, and tell him, “God says, ‘You are the perfect example, very wise, and completely beautiful.’”
13 You were in Eden, God’s garden; you were covered with every kind of precious stone - red quartz, yellow quartz, diamonds, aquamarine, black quartz, and brown quartz, blue stones, green jewels, and red jewels, and gold. Your musical instruments and flutes were made for you on the day you were created.
14 You are the special angel chosen to protect; I made you this way: you were on God’s holy mountain; you walked among the fiery stones.
15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until wrong was found in you.
16 Your many products have brought violence inside you, and you have sinned. So I will throw you out from God’s holy mountain, and I will get rid of you, guardian angel, from among the fiery stones.
17 Your heart became proud because of your beauty, and you ruined your wisdom with your shine: I will throw you down, and I will place you before rulers, so they can see you.
18 You have made your holy places unclean with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So I will make fire come out from inside you, it will eat you up, and I will turn you into ashes on the ground for everyone to see.
19 Everyone who knows you among the nations will be shocked at you; you will become a horror, and you will never exist again.
20 God spoke to me again, saying,
21 Human, look towards Zidon and speak against it.
22 Say this, God says: Look, I am against you, Zidon; I will show my greatness in you, and people will know that I am God when I bring justice and show my holiness through you.
23 I will bring disease and bloodshed to her streets; the hurt will be punished by the sword all around, and they will know that I am God.
24 Israel will no longer be hurt by thorns or suffer from those who scorn them; they will know that I am God.
25 God says, when I bring together the people of Israel from where they are spread out among the nations and make myself holy through them in view of the other peoples, they will live in their own land that I gave to my servant Jacob.
26 They will live safely, build houses, and grow grapes; they will live without fear after I punish all who scorn them around them; and they will understand that I am their God.