Chapter 106

1 Praise God. Give thanks to God, for he is good and his kindness lasts forever.
2 Who can speak of God’s powerful deeds? Who can show all the praise he deserves?
3 Happy are those who follow what is just, and the one who does what is right all the time.
4 Remember me, God, with the kindness you show to your people: come to save me.
5 So I can see the good things for your chosen ones, be happy with your people’s joy, and celebrate with your heritage.
6 We have done wrong like our ancestors, we have acted badly, we have behaved wickedly.
7 Our ancestors did not understand your miracles in Egypt; they did not remember your many acts of kindness but angered you at the sea, at the Red Sea.
8 Yet he saved them for his name’s sake, to show his great power.
9 He scolded the Red Sea, and it dried up; so he guided them through the deep parts as if through a desert.
10 He saved them from the one who hated them and rescued them from their enemy.
11 The water covered their enemies: not even one survived.
12 Then they believed what he said; they praised him.
13 They quickly forgot what he had done; they did not wait for his advice.
14 They desired too much in the wilderness and tested God in the desert.
15 He granted their wish, but made their life empty.
16 They were jealous of Moses in the camp, and of Aaron, God’s holy one.
17 The ground opened up and swallowed Dathan and then closed over Abiram’s group.
18 A fire started among them; the flame consumed the wicked.
19 They created a calf in Horeb and worshipped the metal statue.
20 So they turned their honor into the likeness of a cow that eats grass.
21 They forgot God their savior who did great things in Egypt.
22 Amazing things in the land of Egypt, and scary events by the Red Sea.
23 So he said he would end them, but Moses, his chosen one, stood before him to stop his anger, or he would have ended them.
24 Yes, they looked down on the beautiful land and did not trust what he said.
25 But they complained in their tents and did not listen to God’s voice.
26 So he raised his hand against them, to knock them down in the desert.
27 To destroy their children among different countries and spread them out across various lands.
28 They also followed Baalpeor and ate offerings for the dead.
29 Their actions angered God, and a plague spread among them.
30 Phinehas stood up and carried out justice; and so the disease was stopped.
31 God considered that as true goodness forever for all people to come.
32 They also made him angry at the Waters of Strife, which caused trouble for Moses because of them.
33 Because they angered him, he spoke without thinking.
34 They did not wipe out the nations, which God had told them to do.
35 But they mixed with other nations and adopted their ways.
36 They worshiped their idols, which became a trap for them.
37 Yes, they sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons.
38 They killed innocent people, including their own sons and daughters, whom they offered to Canaan’s idols, and the land was tainted with blood.
39 They became unclean by what they did and were unfaithful with their own ideas.
40 God became very angry with his people and came to detest his own chosen ones.
41 He let other nations defeat them, and their enemies ruled over them.
42 Their enemies pressured them, and they came under their control.
43 God saved them many times, but they angered him with their advice and were punished for their sins.
44 God noticed their suffering when he heard their call for help.
45 God remembered his promise to them and felt sorry for them because of his great kindness.
46 He also made all who took them captive feel sorry for them.
47 Save us, God, and bring us back from among the nations, to thank your holy name and to celebrate your praise.
48 Let’s praise the God of Israel forever and ever; and let everyone say, “Yes.” Praise God.