Chapter 80

1 Listen, Shepherd of Israel, you who guide Joseph like sheep; you who sit above the angels, show your light.
2 Before the tribes of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, wake up your power and come save us.
3 Bring us back, God, make your face bright; then we will be saved.
4 God of all, how long will you stay angry when your people pray to you?
5 You feed them with tears for bread; and make them drink tears in abundance.
6 You make us fight with our neighbors, and our enemies laugh at us.
7 Bring us back, God of all, make your face shine on us, and we will be saved.
8 You brought a vine from Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it.
9 You prepared space for it, made its roots grow deep, and it spread throughout the land.
10 The hills were hidden by its shadow, and its branches were like the great cedars.
11 She stretched her branches out to the sea and her limbs to the river.
12 Why have you broken down her walls, so that everyone who goes by can pick from her?
13 The wild pig from the forest destroys it, and the wild animal of the field eats it up.
14 Please come back, God of power. Look from heaven, see, and take care of this vine.
15 The vineyard your right hand planted and the shoot you strengthened for yourself.
16 It is burned with fire, it is chopped down: they die by the scolding of your face.
17 Let your hand be on the man you support, on the human being you have strengthened for your purpose.
18 We won’t turn away from you; give us life, and we will call on your name.
19 Bring us back, God of all, make your face shine on us; then we will be saved.