Chapter 60

1 Get up and shine, because your light has come, and God’s glory has risen upon you.
2 Look, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but God will rise upon you, and His glory will be seen on you.
3 People from other nations will come to your light, and rulers will be attracted to the glow of your dawn.
4 Look around and see: everyone is coming to you: your sons from far away, and your daughters will be cared for at your side.
5 You will see and be happy, and your heart will feel awe and grow big, because the riches of the sea will come to you, and the wealth of the nations will come to you.
6 Many camels will be around you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah. Everyone from Sheba will come, bringing gold and incense, and they will praise God.
7 All Kedar’s sheep will come to you, Nebaioth’s rams will serve you; they will be welcome as sacrifices on my altar, and I will honor my glorious temple.
8 Who are these that fly like a cloud, and like doves to their nests?
9 The islands will wait for me, and the ships from Tarshish will come first, to bring your sons from a distance, along with their silver and gold, to honor God, the Holy One of Israel, because he has made you honored.
10 Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their rulers will serve you. When I was angry, I punished you, but now I will show you mercy.
11 So your gates will always be open; they won’t close day or night so that people can bring you wealth from other nations, and their kings led to you.
12 Any country or kingdom that does not serve you will be destroyed; indeed, those countries will be totally ruined.
13 Lebanon’s beauty will come to you, with its fir, pine, and cypress trees, to make my holy place beautiful; and I will make where I stand a glorious place.
14 The children of those who hurt you will come to you and bow down. Everyone who looked down on you will fall at your feet. They will call you God’s City, the Holy One of Israel’s Zion.
15 Even though you were abandoned and disliked, and nobody passed through you, I will turn you into an everlasting glory, a delight for many generations.
16 You will also drink the milk of nations and nurse at the breasts of kings; and you will know that I, God, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the powerful one of Jacob.
17 I will give gold for brass, silver for iron, brass for wood, and iron for stones. I will make your leaders bring peace and your rulers bring fairness.
18 There will be no more violence in your land, no wasting or destruction within your borders; you will name your walls Safety, and your gates will be called Praise.
19 You will not need the sun for light in the day, nor the moon to shine for you; God will be your eternal light, and your God will be your glory.
20 Your sun will never set, your moon will not disappear; for God will be your eternal light, and your sad days will be over.
21 Your people will all be good; they will own the land forever. They are my plantings, the work of my hands, to show my greatness.
22 A small child will grow into a large group, and a little one will become a powerful nation: God will make it happen quickly at the right time.