1 Samuel
Chapter 28

1 During that time, the Philistines prepared their armies for war to battle Israel. Achish told David, be certain that you and your men will join me in the fight.
2 David said to Achish, “You will see what I can do.” And Achish said to David, “So I will make you my bodyguard forever.”
3 Samuel had died, all Israel mourned for him, and they buried him in his hometown of Ramah. Saul had also removed all the mediums and fortune-tellers from the land.
4 The Philistines came together and camped in Shunem. Saul brought all of Israel together, and they camped in Gilboa.
5 When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was scared, and his heart shook a lot.
6 When Saul asked God, God did not answer him, not in dreams, not with Urim, and not through prophets.
7 Saul said to his servants, “Find me a woman who can speak with spirits, so I can go to her and ask for her help.” His servants told him, “There is a woman who can speak with spirits in Endor.”
8 Saul changed his clothes to hide who he was, and took two men with him. They went at night to a woman, and Saul asked her, “Please use your spirit to tell me the future, and call up the person I ask for.”
9 The woman said to him, “Look, you know what Saul did; he got rid of the people who talk to spirits and the wizards from the land. So why are you setting a trap for my life, to make me die?”
10 Saul promised her by God, saying, “As God lives, you will not be punished for this.”
11 The woman asked, “Who should I call for you?” He replied, “Call Samuel for me.”
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she shouted loudly and said to Saul, “Why did you trick me? You are Saul.”
13 The king told her, “Don’t be scared. What did you see?” The woman said to Saul, “I saw spirits coming up from the ground.”
14 He asked her, “What does he look like?” She answered, “An old man is coming up, wearing a cloak.” Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down with his face to the ground.
15 Samuel asked Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me back?” Saul replied, “I am deeply troubled because the Philistines are fighting me, and God has left me. He doesn’t answer me anymore, not through prophets, nor in dreams. So, I’ve called you to tell me what to do.”
16 Then Samuel asked, “Why do you ask me when God has left you and become your enemy?”
17 God did what he said through me: God has taken the kingdom from you and given it to your neighbor, David.
18 Because you did not listen to God’s voice or carry out his strong anger against Amalek, God has done this to you today.
19 God will also let Israel fall to the Philistines along with you: tomorrow you and your sons will join me: God will also let the army of Israel fall to the Philistines.
20 Saul immediately fell to the ground, very afraid because of Samuel’s words. He had no strength because he had not eaten any food all day or night.
21 The woman approached Saul, noticed he was very troubled, and told him, “Look, I, your servant, have followed your instructions. I risked my life and listened to what you told me.”
22 So now, please listen to me, your servant, and let me give you some food. Eat it and gain strength for your journey.
23 He refused, saying, “I won’t eat.” But his servants and the woman insisted until he listened. Then he got up from the ground and sat on the bed.
24 The woman had a healthy calf at home; she quickly slaughtered it, took flour, made dough, and baked bread without yeast from it.
25 She gave it to Saul and his attendants; they ate, then got up and left that night.