Chapter 2

1 God spoke to me, saying,
2 Go and tell Jerusalem, ‘God says: I remember how kind you were when you were young, and how you loved me when we were newly together, following me in the desert, in a land where nothing was planted.’
3 Israel was sacred to God, and the first of his crops. Anyone who harms Israel will be punished; they will face trouble, says God.
4 Listen to God’s message, O family of Jacob, and all the clans of Israel:
5 God asks, “What wrong did your ancestors find in me that made them leave me, follow worthless things, and become worthless themselves?”
6 No one asked, “Where is God who brought us out of Egypt, who led us through the wild land of deserts and pits, through a dry land and dark death’s shadow, through a place where no one travels or lives?”
7 I brought you to a fertile land to eat its fruit and enjoy its richness, but when you came in, you made my land dirty and turned my property into something disgusting.
8 The priests didn’t ask, “Where is God?” and those who knew the law didn’t know me: the leaders also sinned against me, and the prophets spoke for Baal, following things that bring no good.
9 So I will still argue with you, says God, and with your grandchildren too.
10 Travel to the islands of Chittim and look; then go to Kedar, think hard, and see if there’s anything like this.
11 Has a nation swapped its gods, which are not really gods? But my people have traded their honor for something that brings no benefit.
12 Be shocked, you heavens, at this, and be terribly scared, be very empty, says God.
13 My people did two bad things; they left me, the source of life-giving water, and dug their own wells, cracked wells that cannot hold water.
14 Is Israel a servant? Is he a slave born in the house? Why is he destroyed?
15 Young lions roared at him, screamed, and left his land empty: his cities are burned with no one living in them.
16 The children from Noph and Tahapanes have damaged the top of your head.
17 Didn’t you bring this on yourself by abandoning God, who guided you on your path?
18 Why are you going to Egypt to drink the water of the Nile? Or why are you going to Assyria to drink the water of the Euphrates?
19 Your bad behavior will teach you a lesson, and your wrongdoings will show you your mistake. Understand and realize that it’s a bad and painful thing to have left God, and that you don’t respect me, says God.
20 Long ago, I removed your heavy yoke and broke your chains; but you said, ‘I won’t sin.’ Yet on every high hill and under every green tree, you wandered and acted unfaithfully.
21 I planted you as a fine vine, all with good seeds: how then have you become a poor vine to me?
22 Even if you use baking soda and lots of soap, your sins are still clearly seen by me, says God.
23 How can you say, ‘I am not dirty, I have not followed other gods’? Look at your path in the valley, see what you have done: you are like a fast camel running on her paths.
24 A wild donkey used to the desert, that breathes in the wind as it wants; who can make it change its ways when it’s ready? Those who look for it won’t get tired; when the time comes, they will find it.
25 Take care of your feet so they’re not bare, and don’t let yourself be thirsty; but you’ve said, “There’s no hope; I love outsiders, and I’ll follow them.”
26 Like a thief feels shame when caught, so the people of Israel feel ashamed; including their kings, leaders, priests, and prophets.
27 They say to a piece of wood, “You are my dad,” and to a rock, “You gave birth to me.” They turn their back on me, not their face. But when they are in trouble, they’ll call out, “Get up and save us.”
28 Where are the gods you made? Let them help you when you’re in trouble. You have as many gods as you have cities, Judah.
29 Why do you argue with me? You have all sinned against me, says God.
30 I have punished your children for nothing; they did not learn their lesson. Your own violence has killed your prophets, like a deadly lion.
31 People of this time, look at God’s message. Have I been like a desert to Israel? A place of darkness? Why do my people say, “We are our own masters; we won’t come to you anymore”?
32 Can a young woman forget her jewelry, or a bride her wedding clothes? Yet my people have forgotten me for countless days.
33 Why do you change your ways to get love? So you have also taught the bad ones your ways.
34 In your clothes, they found the blood of innocent poor people: it was not hidden, but found on all of these.
35 But you say, “I am innocent, so surely God’s anger will stop.” I will argue with you because you say, “I have not sinned.”
36 Why do you wander around so much to change your path? You will also feel ashamed of Egypt, just as you felt ashamed of Assyria.
37 Yes, you will leave there with your hands on your head, because God has rejected the things you trust in, and you will not succeed with them.