Chapter 3

1 Because of this, I Paul, imprisoned for serving Jesus Christ, am writing to you non-Jews.
2 If you know about the special role God’s kindness has given me for your benefit:
3 He revealed the secret to me; as I briefly wrote before.
4 When you read this, you can understand my insight into the secret of Christ.
5 In other times, this was not shown to people as it has now been made clear to his special messengers and prophets by the Spirit.
6 That non-Jewish people should also inherit, belong to the same group, and share in God’s promise through Christ by the good news.
7 I became a servant because God gave me this gift by his power at work within me.
8 God gave me, the least of all God’s people, the grace to tell the non-Jews about the endless wealth that comes from Christ.
9 To help everyone understand the shared secret that has been hidden in God since the world started, the God who made everything through Jesus Christ.
10 The purpose is for the rulers and authorities in the heavens to learn about God’s many-sided wisdom through the church.
11 God made an everlasting plan which he fulfilled through Jesus Christ our Lord.
12 In him we are brave and can come close with confidence because of his faith.
13 I want you not to lose heart because of my struggles for you, which are for your honor.
14 For this reason, I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 The whole family in heaven and on earth gets its name from God.
16 He asks God, with all His greatness, to make you strong inside by His Spirit.
17 May Christ live in your hearts through faith; and may you grow strong in love.
18 May understand with all God’s people how wide, long, deep, and high it is.
19 To understand Christ’s love, which is beyond knowledge, so that you may be completely filled with God.
20 To the one who can do much more than all we ask or imagine, according to the power working within us,
21 May God receive glory in the church through Jesus Christ for all time, forever. Amen.