Chapter 143

1 Listen to my prayer, God, pay attention to my requests: answer me because you are faithful and just.
2 Do not judge your servant, because no one alive can be seen as good before you.
3 The enemy has chased my soul; he has struck my life down to the ground; he has forced me to live in darkness, like those long dead.
4 So my spirit feels crushed inside me; my heart inside me feels empty.
5 I remember the old days; I think about all you have done; I reflect on what your hands have made.
6 I reach out to you with my hands: I deeply desire you, like dry ground needs water. Pause and think about that.
7 Listen to me quickly, God; my spirit is weak. Do not hide from me, or I will be like those who fall into the pit.
8 Let me hear your kindness in the morning, for I trust in you. Show me the way I should go, because I give my heart to you.
9 God, save me from my enemies; I run to you for protection.
10 Show me how to follow your will, because you are my God. Your spirit is kind; guide me to a life of integrity.
11 God, give me life for the sake of your name; for the sake of your righteousness, rescue my soul from trouble.
12 In your kindness, get rid of my enemies and wipe out all who trouble me, because I am your servant.