Chapter 40

1 I waited patiently for God; He turned to me and heard my cry.
2 God lifted me from a terrible pit and from sticky mud, placed my feet on solid ground, and made my steps firm.
3 He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see this and be in awe, and will trust in God.
4 Happy is the person who trusts in God and does not honor the proud or those who believe in lies.
5 God, you have done so many amazing things and your thoughts for us are countless. If I tried to list them, there would be too many to count.
6 You do not want sacrifices or offerings; you have made me listen. You do not need burnt offerings or sin offerings.
7 I said, “Look, I’m coming: the book says about me,”
8 I enjoy doing what you want, my God; yes, your rules are in my heart.
9 I have told of being good in the large group of people; look, I have not held back my words, God, you know.
10 I have not kept your goodness secret in my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your rescue: I have not hidden your kindness and your truth from the many people.
11 Don’t keep your kindness and mercy from me, God; may your love and truth always protect me.
12 Countless troubles surround me; my sins have caught up to me, and I cannot see a way out. They outnumber the hairs on my head, and my heart is overwhelmed.
13 Please, God, rescue me; God, hurry to assist me.
14 May those who want to harm me feel ashamed and frustrated; let them retreat and be embarrassed who desire my bad luck.
15 Let them be left empty because they are ashamed and mock me, saying, “Aha, aha.”
16 Let everyone who searches for you be happy and joyful in you; let those who love your rescue always say, “God is great.”
17 I am poor and in need, but God thinks of me; you are my help and my rescuer; please hurry, my God.