Chapter 64

1 Listen to me, God, when I pray; keep me safe from my enemies’ fear.
2 Protect me from the hidden plans of the evil; from the rebellion of those who do wrong.
3 They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like arrows.
4 They shoot from hiding at the innocent; they shoot suddenly and are not afraid.
5 They boost each other in a bad plan: they talk about setting traps secretly; they say, Who will see us?
6 They look for sins; they carry out a thorough search: everyone’s secret thoughts and heart are hidden deep.
7 God will shoot them with an arrow; they will be quickly wounded.
8 They will be trapped by their own words, and everyone who sees them will run away.
9 Everyone will be afraid and will tell about what God has done; they will think carefully about his actions.
10 Good people will be happy with God, trust in him, and all who are true in heart will celebrate.