Chapter 40

1 God replied to Job, saying,
2 Can a person argue with God and teach Him? Anyone who corrects God should reply.
3 Job replied to God and said,
4 I realize I am worthless; what can I say to you? I will put my hand over my mouth.
5 I have spoken once; I won’t reply again; even twice; but I’ll say no more.
6 God replied to Job from the storm and said,
7 Prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you must answer me.
8 Will you cancel my decision? Will you say I am wrong so you can say you are right?
9 Do you have an arm like God? Or can you thunder with a voice like him?
10 Dress yourself now with greatness and honor; and put on glory and beauty.
11 Throw out your anger and look at all the proud people; bring them down.
12 Pay attention to everyone who is proud and make them humble; step on the evil ones where they stand.
13 Put them all in the dust; cover their faces in darkness.
14 Then I will agree that your own power can save you.
15 Look at the behemoth, which I created with you; it eats grass like an ox.
16 Look, his power is in his hips, and his strength is in his belly muscles.
17 He swings his tail like a cedar tree; the muscles of his thighs are tightly woven.
18 His bones are as hard as pieces of brass; his bones are like rods of iron.
19 He is the greatest of God’s creations; only his maker can threaten him.
20 The mountains give him food, and all the wild animals play there.
21 He lies under the shade trees, in the hiding place of the reeds and marshes.
22 The trees cast their shade over him; the willow trees by the stream surround him.
23 Look, he drinks up a river without rushing; he believes he can take the Jordan River into his mouth.
24 He sees it with his eyes; his nose detects traps.