Chapter 21

1 The king’s mind is under God’s control, like water channels; He directs it wherever He chooses.
2 Everyone thinks their own way is right, but God knows what’s in their hearts.
3 God prefers fairness and justice over sacrifices.
4 A haughty look, a proud heart, and the evil doings of the wicked are all sinful.
5 Careful thinkers plan to be rich; but those who rush can expect to be poor.
6 Getting riches by lying is useless and leads to death.
7 The stolen goods of bad people will ruin them because they won’t act fairly.
8 People’s ways can be twisted and odd, but those who are pure do what is right.
9 It’s better to live in a corner of the roof than with a quarrelsome woman in a big house.
10 A bad person wants to do wrong, and he doesn’t care about his neighbor.
11 When the mocker is punished, the naive become smart; and when the smart are taught, they gain knowledge.
12 The good person thinks carefully about the home of the bad, but God brings down the bad because of their evil ways.
13 Anyone who ignores the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be heard.
14 Giving a gift quietly can calm down anger; a hidden bribe can ease great fury.
15 Good people find joy in being fair, but those who do wrong will meet with ruin.
16 The person who leaves the path of understanding will stay among the dead.
17 Someone who loves fun will be poor; a person who loves wine and oil won’t get rich.
18 Bad people will take the place of good people, and those who do wrong will take the place of the honest.
19 It is better to live in the desert than with a quarrelsome and angry woman.
20 A wise person has valuable treasure and oil at home; but a foolish person wastes it all.
21 Those who pursue what is right and kind find life, goodness, and respect.
22 A wise person climbs into a strong city and breaks down the city’s strong defenses.
23 Whoever controls their speech protects themselves from problems.
24 His name is Proud and Arrogant, someone who acts with angry pride.
25 The lazy person’s wants destroy him, because he won’t work with his hands.
26 He always wants more all day long, but a good person gives freely without holding back.
27 God hates the wicked’s offering; it’s even worse when they offer it with evil intentions.
28 A liar will fail, but a person who listens will always speak the truth.
29 A bad person makes their face stubborn, but a good person stays on the right path.
30 No wisdom, understanding, or advice can succeed against God.
31 People get horses ready for battle day, but God gives safety.