Chapter 59

1 Save me from my enemies, my God; protect me from those who attack me.
2 Rescue me from people who do wrong, and protect me from violent men.
3 Look, they are hiding to attack me; powerful people are against me, not because of my wrongs or my sins, O God.
4 They run and get ready to attack me for no reason: wake up to help me and see.
5 You then, God of all, the God of Israel, wake up to check on all the nations: do not show kindness to any evil wrongdoers. Pause and think.
6 They come back at night, making sounds like dogs, and roam around the city.
7 Look, they spew from their mouths—sharp words are on their lips: for who, they think, hears us?
8 But you, God, will laugh at them; you will mock all the nations.
9 I will rely on you because of your strength: for God is my protector.
10 God’s kindness will go before me; God will let me see victory over my foes.
11 Do not kill them, or my people might forget. Scatter them by your power and defeat them, God our protector.
12 Because of the wrong things they say and the lies from their lips, let them be caught in their pride. They say curses and lies.
13 Destroy them in anger, destroy them so they are no more; and let them know that God rules in Jacob, all over the earth. Pause.
14 Let them come back at night; they sound like dogs as they walk around the city.
15 Let them search for food and complain if they are not full.
16 I will sing about your power; yes, I will sing loudly about your kindness in the morning because you have been my protection and shelter when I was in trouble.
17 To you, my strength, I will sing: for God is my protector, and the God who shows me mercy.