Chapter 31

1 In you, God, I trust; let me never be embarrassed: save me because you are good.
2 Lean down your ear to me; rescue me quickly: be my solid rock, a safe place to protect me.
3 You are my rock and safe place; so for your name’s sake, lead and guide me.
4 Rescue me from the trap secretly set for me; for you are my power.
5 I give my spirit into your care; you have saved me, God of truth.
6 I dislike those who follow false beliefs, but I trust in God.
7 I will be happy and celebrate your kindness because you have seen my problems; you have understood my struggles.
8 You haven’t trapped me with my enemy; you’ve given me space to move freely.
9 Please be kind to me, God, because I am in trouble; my eyes are weak from sadness, and so are my heart and my stomach.
10 I am worn out with sadness, and I sigh year after year. My strength is weak because of my wrongs, and my bones are wasting away.
11 All my enemies insulted me, especially my neighbors, and my friends were afraid of me: people who saw me outside ran away from me.
12 People have forgotten me like someone dead and gone; I am like a shattered pot.
13 I have heard many people talk badly about me; I was surrounded by fear. While they planned together against me, they aimed to end my life.
14 I trusted in you, God: I said, You are my God.
15 My life is in your hands; save me from my enemies and those who chase me.
16 Let your face shine on your servant; save me because of your mercy.
17 God, don’t let me be ashamed because I have called on you. Make the wicked be ashamed and silent in death.
18 Silence the lying lips that say hurtful things with pride and scorn against good people.
19 Oh how wonderful is your kindness, which you have set aside for those who respect you; which you have made for those who rely on you in front of all people!
20 You will hide them in the secret of your presence from human pride; you will keep them safely in a shelter from the conflict of speech.
21 God is blessed because he has shown me his wonderful kindness in a strong city.
22 In my rush, I thought I was lost to you, but you heard my call for help when I cried out to you.
23 Love God, all his holy people, because God protects those who are loyal and gives many blessings to those who act with pride.
24 Have courage, and God will make your heart strong, all who hope in God.