Chapter 24

1 Five days later, the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and a speaker named Tertullus, who accused Paul to the governor.
2 When he was brought out, Tertullus started to accuse him, saying, “Because of you we have much peace, and good things are done for our nation by your care.”
3 We always accept it everywhere, most respected Felix, with great thanks.
4 But so I don’t bother you too much, I ask you kindly to listen to us for just a moment.
5 We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up rebellion among Jews everywhere, and the leader of the Nazarene group.
6 He also tried to disrespect the temple; we caught him and wanted to judge him by our law.
7 The commander Lysias came and with strong force took him from us.
8 Telling his accusers to appear before you, so you can find out about all the things we are accusing him of by questioning him yourself.
9 The Jews agreed, saying that this was true.
10 Then Paul, when the governor signaled him to speak, replied, “Knowing that you have been a judge for this nation for many years, I happily defend myself.”
11 I want you to understand that I went up to Jerusalem to worship only twelve days ago.
12 They did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple, or stirring up the crowd, either in the synagogues or in the city.
13 They cannot show proof of what they accuse me of now.
14 I admit to you that I worship the God of my ancestors in the way they call heresy, believing in everything written in the law and the prophets.
15 Have hope in God, as they do, that the dead will rise, both good and bad people.
16 I always try to keep a clear conscience before God and everyone.
17 After many years, I came to bring help and gifts to my people.
18 Some Jews from Asia saw me clean in the temple, without a crowd or commotion.
19 They should have been here to accuse me in front of you, if they had any charge against me.
20 Or let these people here tell if they found any wrong in me when I was before the council.
21 I am on trial before you today just because I said, while standing among them, that the dead are raised.
22 When Felix heard this, knowing more about the way, he postponed the decision, saying, “When Captain Lysias comes, I will fully examine your case.”
23 He ordered a captain to guard Paul, allow him freedom, and let his friends visit and help him.
24 After some time, Felix and his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, arrived. He called for Paul to listen to him talk about faith in Christ.
25 As he talked about being right, self-control, and the future judgment, Felix became scared and said, “Leave now; when I find the right time, I will send for you.”
26 He also hoped that Paul would give him money to release him, so he sent for him more often and talked with him.
27 Two years later, Porcius Festus replaced Felix. Felix, wanting to please the Jews, kept Paul in chains.