Chapter 25

1 God, you are my God; I will lift you up, I will praise your name; because you have done amazing things; your long-ago plans are faithful and true.
2 You have turned a city into a pile of rubble; a fortified city into ruins. A place where foreigners lived, it will no longer be a city; it will never be rebuilt.
3 So, powerful people will honor you; cities of fierce nations will fear you.
4 You have been a help to the poor, a support to those in need when in trouble, a shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the fierce ones attack like a storm against a wall.
5 You will quiet the noise of outsiders, like heat in a dry place; as a cloud’s shadow cools the heat, so the power of the cruel ones will be cut down.
6 In this mountain, God will prepare a feast for all people with rich foods and aged wines, with fine meats and the best wines.
7 He will remove the veil covering all nations and the shroud over all peoples on this mountain.
8 He will completely defeat death; God will wipe away all tears; and He will remove His people’s shame from the whole earth: because God has declared it.
9 On that day, people will say, “Look, this is our God; we have waited for him to save us. This is God; we’ve waited for him. We will be happy and celebrate his rescue.”
10 In this mountain, God’s hand will rest, and Moab will be stepped on under him, just like straw is stepped on for the manure pile.
11 He will stretch out his arms among them, like a swimmer stretches out to swim: and he will lower their pride along with their treasures.
12 God will tear down the strong fortress in your high walls, flatten and reduce it to dust.