Chapter 4

1 I went back and saw all the unfair things happening on earth: I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them; the oppressors had the power, but the oppressed had no comforter.
2 So I said that those who have already died are happier than those who are still alive.
3 Yes, the one who has not yet been born is better off than both of them, for he has not seen the bad things done in the world.
4 I saw that all hard work and success in doing good things can make people jealous of their neighbor. This is also meaningless and frustrating.
5 The foolish person does nothing and harms themselves.
6 It is better to have a little with peace than a lot with hard work and stress.
7 Then I came back and saw that everything is pointless under the sun.
8 There is only one person, without a companion; they have no children or siblings. Still, their work never ends; they are never happy with their wealth, and never ask, “Who am I working for, and denying myself enjoyment?” This too is meaningless, a miserable task.
9 Two are better than one because they get a good return for their work.
10 If they fall, one can help the other up, but pity the person who is alone and falls without someone to help them.
11 If two people lie together, they keep warm, but how can one stay warm alone?
12 If one person can be defeated, two can stand strong against the enemy; a rope made of three strands is not easily snapped.
13 A poor and smart child is better than an old and foolish king who won’t listen to advice.
14 He comes to rule after being in jail; even someone born in his kingdom may become poor.
15 I thought about everyone alive who goes about under the sun, along with the next person who will take their place.
16 People never stop coming, even those from before. Those who come later won’t be happy with this. This too is pointless and frustrating.