Chapter 148

1 Praise God. Praise God from the sky: praise him up high.
2 Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his armies.
3 Praise God, sun and moon; praise Him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise God, you highest heavens and the waters above the sky.
5 Let them praise God’s name because when he gave the order, they were made.
6 God has set them up forever; He has given an order that will never end.
7 Praise God from the earth, you sea creatures, and all ocean depths.
8 Fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind carrying out God’s command:
9 Mountains and all hills; trees with fruit and all cedars.
10 Animals, all livestock; creatures that crawl, and birds that fly:
11 Earth’s kings and everyone, leaders and all earth’s judges:
12 Young people and girls; elderly people and children:
13 Let them praise God’s name, for only His name is wonderful; His majesty is higher than earth and heaven.
14 He also lifts up the strength of his people, the honor of all his holy ones; even the children of Israel, a people close to him. Praise God.