Chapter 32

1 Look, a king will rule rightly, and leaders will govern fairly.
2 A person will be like a shelter from the wind, and a secret place from the storm; like streams of water in a dry land, like the shade of a big rock in a tired country.
3 The eyes of those who can see will be clear, and the ears of those who can hear will listen.
4 Even impulsive people will learn wisdom, and those who stutter will speak clearly.
5 The bad person will not be called generous, and the stingy will not be said to be giving.
6 The bad person will talk nastily, and his heart will do wrong, to act fake, and to speak lies about God, to leave the hungry with nothing, and he will make the thirsty have no drink.
7 The tools of the mean person are bad: he plans evil schemes to hurt the poor with false words, even when the poor speak the truth.
8 The generous person plans generous actions, and through generous actions, they will succeed.
9 Stand up, you women who are comfortable; listen to my voice, you daughters who are not worried; pay attention to what I say.
10 You will have many troubled days and years, you who are carefree: because there will be no grapes to harvest, and the gathering will not happen.
11 Shake with fear, you women who are relaxed; get worried, you who feel secure: take off your clothes, dress in rough sackcloth around your waists.
12 They will mourn for the breasts, for the lovely fields, for the thriving grapevine.
13 Thorns and briers will grow on my people’s land; yes, even on all the happy homes in the joyful city.
14 The grand buildings will be empty; the city will be deserted; the strongholds and towers will become hiding places forever, a delight for wild donkeys, a grazing land for flocks.
15 Until God gives us His Spirit from above, and the desert becomes a fertile land, and the fertile land is considered a forest.
16 Then fair judgment will live in the desert, and goodness will stay in the fertile land.
17 Doing what is right will bring peace; and living rightly will bring calm and safety always.
18 My people will live in peaceful homes, safe houses, and quiet resting places.
19 When it hails, falling on the forest, the city will be down in a low place.
20 Happy are you who plant by all waters, who let the ox and donkey work freely.