Chapter 6

1 God spoke to Moses, saying,
2 If someone sins, breaks faith with God, and lies to a friend about something entrusted to them, shared in partnership, stolen, or if they have cheated their friend;
3 Or if someone finds something lost and lies about it, or swears falsely, in any of these things that a person does, they sin.
4 He must make up for what he did because he sinned and is guilty. He has to return what he stole, what he got by lying, what was given to him to look after, or what he found and kept.
5 If someone lies about anything they own, they must give back the original amount plus an extra fifth to the person it belongs to, on the day they present their guilt offering.
6 He must bring his guilt offering to God, a perfect ram from the flock, valued by you, as a guilt offering to the priest.
7 The priest will ask God to forgive him, and he will be forgiven for any wrong he has done.
8 God spoke to Moses, saying,
9 Tell Aaron and his sons, this is the rule for the burnt offering: It remains on the altar burning all night until morning, and the altar’s fire must keep burning.
10 The priest will wear his linen clothes and linen underwear next to his skin, and he will remove the ashes left by the fire from the burnt offering on the altar and place them next to the altar.
11 He must take off his clothes, put on different clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.
12 The fire on the altar must keep burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest will add wood to the fire, arrange the burnt offering on it, and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it.
13 The fire on the altar must keep burning; it must not go out.
14 This is the rule for the grain offering: Aaron’s sons must present it to God in front of the altar.
15 He should take a handful of the flour and oil from the grain offering, along with all of its frankincense, and burn it on the altar as a pleasing aroma, as a reminder to God.
16 Aaron and his sons will eat the rest of it. They must eat it with bread without yeast in a sacred area—the courtyard of the tent where people meet.
17 Do not bake it with yeast. I have given it to them as their share of my offerings burned with fire; it is very holy, just like the sin offering and the guilt offering.
18 Every male in Aaron’s family may eat from it. This rule about God’s offerings made with fire will last forever for your descendants: anyone who touches them must be holy.
19 God spoke to Moses, saying,
20 Aaron and his sons will give this gift to God on the day he is chosen: one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a regular food offering, half in the morning and half at night.
21 Cook it in a pan with oil. When it’s baked, bring it in. Offer the baked pieces of the grain offering as a pleasing aroma to God.
22 The son priest who takes his place and is anointed will offer it: this is a permanent rule for God; it must be completely burned.
23 Every food offering for the priest must be completely burned; it must not be eaten.
24 God spoke to Moses, saying,
25 Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is the rule for the sin offering: Kill the sin offering in the same place as the burnt offering—it’s very holy, and it must be done before God.
26 The priest who sacrifices it for a sin will eat it. It must be eaten in a holy area, inside the courtyard of the meeting tent.
27 Anything that touches its meat will be sacred; and if any of its blood is splashed on clothes, you must wash them in a sacred place.
28 The clay pot used for boiling must be broken, but if it’s boiled in a bronze pot, it must be scrubbed and washed with water.
29 Every male priest may eat from it; it is very holy.
30 Any sin offering whose blood is taken into the meeting tent to make peace in the holy area must not be eaten; it must be burned up.