1 Samuel
Chapter 24

1 When Saul came back from chasing the Philistines, he heard, “Look, David is in the Engedi desert.”
2 Saul took three thousand picked men from all of Israel and went to look for David and his men on the cliffs where the wild goats live.
3 He reached the sheep pens on the path, where there was a cave; Saul went inside to rest, and David with his men stayed further inside the cave.
4 David’s men said to him, “This is the day God told you about, saying, ‘I will give your enemy to you, and you can do what you think is right.’ “ Then David quietly cut a piece from Saul’s robe.
5 Later, David felt guilty because he had cut a piece of Saul’s robe.
6 He told his men, “God won’t let me do this to my master, God’s chosen one, by harming him because he is chosen by God.”
7 David stopped his men with his words and did not let them attack Saul. But Saul left the cave and continued his journey.
8 David got up later, left the cave, and called out to Saul, “My king.” When Saul turned around, David bowed down with his face to the ground.
9 David said to Saul, “Why do you listen to people who say, ‘Look, David wants to harm you’?”
10 Look, today your eyes saw that God has given you into my hands in the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you, saying I won’t harm my master because he is God’s chosen one.
11 Also, my father, look, yes, look at the piece of your robe in my hand: because I cut the piece of your robe and did not kill you, understand and see that I have no bad intentions or guilt in my actions, and I have not done wrong against you; but still you chase after me to take my life.
12 God will judge between you and me, and God will take revenge for me on you, but I will not harm you.
13 An old saying goes, evil comes from the evil, but I will not hurt you.
14 Who is the king of Israel chasing? Who are you after? Just a dead dog, a flea.
15 So let God be the judge. Let God decide between you and me. Let God look at this, stand up for me, and save me from your power.
16 After David finished speaking to Saul, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, my son David?” Then Saul cried out loud with tears.
17 He told David, “You are better than me because you have done good to me, even though I have done bad to you.”
18 Today you showed how you have been good to me; because when God gave me to you, you did not kill me.
19 If someone finds their enemy, would they let them go safely? So, may God reward you well for what you did for me today.
20 And now, I know you will definitely become king, and that you will firmly hold the kingdom of Israel.
21 Promise me now, by God, that you will not end my family line after I am gone, and that you will not erase my name from my father’s house.
22 And David promised Saul. Then Saul went home while David and his men went to the fortress.