2 Corinthians
Chapter 11

1 I wish you could put up with my foolishness just a bit; please do bear with me.
2 I am very protective of you with a pure jealousy: because I have promised you to one husband, so I can present you as a pure virgin to Christ.
3 I am worried that, just as the snake tricked Eve with its cleverness, your thoughts might be led away from the easy and pure understanding of Christ.
4 If someone comes to you and preaches a different Jesus, one we didn’t teach about, or if you get a different spirit, one you haven’t received, or a different good news, one you haven’t accepted, you might put up with it.
5 I believe I was not at all inferior to the top apostles.
6 Even if I speak simply, it doesn’t mean I lack knowledge; we have clearly shown you this in everything.
7 Did I do wrong by lowering myself so you could be lifted up, because I shared God’s message with you for free?
8 I took support from other churches to serve you.
9 When I was with you and in need, I did not burden anyone. The friends who came from Macedonia gave me what I needed. I have done everything to not be a burden to you and will continue to do so.
10 Christ’s truth is in me, no one will stop my boasting in Achaia.
11 Why? Is it because I don’t love you? God knows.
12 I will keep doing what I am doing to prevent those looking for an opportunity from boasting; they should be seen just as we are.
13 These people are fake apostles and dishonest workers who pretend to be Christ’s apostles.
14 Do not be surprised; for Satan himself pretends to be an angel of light.
15 So it’s not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of what is right; their end will match their actions.
16 I’ll say it again, don’t think I’m a fool; but if you do, at least accept me as a fool so I can do a little bragging.
17 What I am saying, I do not say as God would want but rather, I speak foolishly, as if I am confident and proud.
18 Since many boast about physical achievements, I will boast too.
19 You put up with fools easily because you think you are wise.
20 You put up with it when someone enslaves you, when someone eats up your resources, when someone takes from you, when someone boasts above you, or when someone hits you in the face.
21 I talk about being shamed, like we were weak. But if anyone is confident—though it sounds silly—I am confident too.
22 Are they Hebrews? I am too. Are they Israelites? I am too. Are they descendants of Abraham? I am too.
23 Are they serving Christ? (I talk like a foolish person) I serve even more. I’ve worked harder, been whipped more, jailed more, and faced death often.
24 I was whipped with 39 lashes by the Jews five times.
25 I was beaten with rods three times, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, and I spent a night and a day in the ocean.
26 Often traveling, facing dangers from floods, robbers, my own people, foreigners, city dangers, wilderness risks, sea threats, and among those pretending to be friends.
27 Feeling tired and pain, staying awake a lot, being hungry and thirsty, fasting many times, feeling cold and without enough clothes.
28 Apart from outside matters, I face daily the concern for all the churches.
29 Who is weak without me feeling weak? Who is upset without me being angry?
30 If I must boast, I will boast about my weaknesses.
31 God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is forever blessed, knows I am not lying.
32 In Damascus, the governor working for King Aretas guarded the city with soldiers because he wanted to arrest me.
33 Through a window in a basket, I was lowered down the wall and got away from him.