Chapter 63

1 Who is this coming from Edom, with colorful clothes from Bozrah, looking splendid in his clothes, moving in his great strength? I am the one who speaks what is right, powerful to save.
2 Why are you wearing red clothes and look like someone who has been stomping grapes?
3 I have crushed grapes to make wine by myself; no one from the people was with me. I will step on them in my anger, and walk on them in my rage; their blood will splash on my clothes, and I will dirty all my clothing.
4 The day for payback is in my heart, and the time has come to save my people.
5 I looked, but there was no one to help; I was surprised that no one supported me. So my own strength saved me; my anger kept me going.
6 I will step on the people in my anger, make them confused in my rage, and I will knock down their power to the ground.
7 I will talk about God’s kindness and praise God for all He has given us. He has been very good to Israel’s people because of His mercy and great kindness.
8 For he said, “They are my people, children who will not deceive.” So, he became their Savior.
9 In all their troubles, he felt trouble too, and his messenger saved them. With his love and kindness, he freed them; he lifted them up and carried them long ago.
10 But they resisted and upset God’s Holy Spirit: so He became their foe and fought against them.
11 He recalled the past, Moses, and his people, asking, “Where is the one who led them from the sea, the shepherd of his flock? Where is the one who gave them his holy Spirit?”
12 God guided them with Moses’ strong hand, splitting the water for them, to make his name last forever.
13 God guided them through the deep waters, like a horse in the desert, so they would not trip.
14 Like an animal that walks down into a low place, God’s Spirit made him calm: in the same way, you guided your people to bring honor to your name.
15 Look from heaven and see from your holy and glorious home. Where is your passion and your power, the deep feelings and kindness you have for me? Have they been held back?
16 You are definitely our father, even if Abraham doesn’t know us and Israel doesn’t recognize us. You, God, are our father, our savior; your name lasts forever.
17 God, why have you made us stray from your paths and made our hearts hard from fearing you? Come back for the sake of your servants, the people who belong to you.
18 Your holy people owned the land for only a short time; our enemies have trampled your temple.
19 We belong to you; you never ruled over them; they were not called by your name.