Chapter 28

1 I will call out to you, God my rock; do not ignore me, or if you stay silent, I will be like those who fall into the grave.
2 Listen to my pleas for help, when I call to you, when I raise my hands toward your sacred place.
3 Do not take me away with the wicked, or with those who do wrong, who say kind words to their neighbors while planning evil in their hearts.
4 Give them what they deserve for what they have done, pay them back for their evil actions, and give them exactly what their hands have worked for.
5 Because they ignore what God has done and don’t pay attention to his actions, he will ruin them and not help them grow.
6 Praise God, because he has heard my requests for help.
7 God is my strength and protector; my heart trusted in him, and he has helped me. So, my heart is very happy; and I will praise him with my song.
8 God is their strength, and he gives power to his chosen one for salvation.
9 Help your people and bless what you have given them; take care of them and raise them up always.