Chapter 7

1 God, I trust in you; save me from all who chase me and rescue me.
2 So he won’t tear my soul apart like a lion and rip it to pieces when there is no one to save me.
3 God, if I did this; if I have done wrong;
4 If I have given harm to someone who was at peace with me; (yes, I have freed someone who is my enemy for no reason:)
5 Let my enemy chase my soul and capture it; let him trample my life into the ground and drag my honor in the dust. Pause.
6 Get up, God, with your anger, rise up because of my enemies’ fury, and wake up to give me the justice you have ordered.
7 The community will surround you; because of them, come back to your high place.
8 God will judge the people: judge me, God, based on my goodness and my honesty within me.
9 Let the bad actions of the wicked stop; but support the good people: because God, who is fair, tests our thoughts and feelings.
10 God protects me and saves those with honest hearts.
11 God judges good people and is angry with bad people every day.
12 If he does not change, God will sharpen his sword; he has drawn his bow and is prepared.
13 He has also prepared deadly tools for him; he sets his arrows against those who chase.
14 Look, he struggles with wrongdoing, plans trouble, and gives birth to lies.
15 He dug a pit and a trench and fell into the hole he made.
16 His trouble will come back on him, and his violence will fall on his own head.
17 I will thank God for His goodness, and sing to honor the name of God Most High.