Chapter 14

1 A smart woman builds up her home, but a foolish one tears it down by herself.
2 Someone who lives rightly respects God, but a person with corrupt ways despises Him.
3 Foolish people speak with pride which brings punishment, but wise people’s words keep them safe.
4 Where there are no oxen, the feeding trough is empty; but a strong ox brings a big harvest.
5 A trustworthy person won’t lie, but a liar will tell lies.
6 Someone who mocks others looks for wisdom but does not find it; yet knowledge comes easily to someone who has understanding.
7 Leave the company of a foolish person when you realize they do not speak wise words.
8 Smart people know their own path; but foolish people trick others.
9 Fools laugh at doing wrong, but God’s favor is with the good people.
10 The heart understands its own sadness; and an outsider does not share its happiness.
11 The wicked person’s house will be destroyed, but the good person’s home will thrive.
12 A path may seem right to a person, but it ends in death.
13 Even when laughing, the heart can be sad; and joy can finish with sadness.
14 Someone who turns away in heart will have to live with their own choices, and a good person will be content with themselves.
15 A naive person believes everything, but a wise one thinks carefully about their steps.
16 A wise person respects God and avoids evil, but a fool gets angry and feels sure of himself.
17 Someone who gets angry quickly acts foolishly, and a person who plans evil is disliked.
18 Simple people gain foolishness, but careful ones are rewarded with knowledge.
19 Bad people bow down to good people; and the wicked stand at the doors of those who are right.
20 Poor people are disliked even by their neighbors, but rich people have many friends.
21 Whoever looks down on their neighbor does wrong, but the one who is kind to the poor is happy.
22 Aren’t those who plan evil wrong? But kindness and honesty will be for those who plan good.
23 In every kind of hard work there is benefit, but just talking leads to poverty.
24 Wise people’s wealth is their crown, but foolish people’s foolishness is just that.
25 A truthful person saves lives, but a liar tells lies.
26 Respecting God brings true security; his children will have a safe place.
27 Being afraid to disobey God is a source of life, helping to avoid deadly traps.
28 A king is honored with a lot of people, but a prince will be ruined without them.
29 Someone patient in anger has much understanding, but a quick-tempered person shows foolishness.
30 A healthy heart is the life of the body, but jealousy is the decay of the bones.
31 Whoever mistreats the poor insults God, but the one who respects God is kind to the poor.
32 The bad person is pushed away because of his badness: but the good person has hope even when he dies.
33 Wisdom stays in the heart of a person with understanding, but a fool’s thoughts become known.
34 Being good lifts up a country, but sin shames any nation.
35 The king likes a smart servant, but he’s angry at one who brings disgrace.