Chapter 12

1 Anyone who loves learning loves knowledge, but someone who hates correction is foolish.
2 A good person gains God’s favor, but God will condemn a person with evil plans.
3 Evil actions won’t make a person successful, but good people will remain strong and secure.
4 A good woman is her husband’s pride, but a woman who brings shame is like decay in his bones.
5 Good people think right thoughts, but the advice of the wicked is to lie.
6 Wicked people’s words are like traps set to hurt others, but honest people will be saved by what they say.
7 Evil people are defeated and gone, but the home of the good will last.
8 People will praise a man for his wisdom, but someone with a bad heart will be disliked.
9 Someone who is looked down on but has a servant is better off than someone who acts important but has no food.
10 A good person cares for their animal’s life, but even the kindness of a bad person is harsh.
11 Whoever works their land will have plenty of food, but whoever chases empty dreams lacks wisdom.
12 Bad people want what other bad people have, but good people produce good results.
13 Evil people get caught by their own words, but the good get out of trouble.
14 A person will be happy with the good things they say, and they will get back what their own work deserves.
15 A fool thinks they are always right, but a wise person listens to advice.
16 A foolish person quickly shows anger, but a wise person hides embarrassment.
17 The person who speaks the truth shows what is right, but a liar tells lies.
18 Some people speak sharp words like a sword’s stab, but wise people’s words bring healing.
19 Truthful words will last forever, but lies last only a moment.
20 People who plan evil have lies in their hearts, but those who advise peace find joy.
21 No harm will come to the good person, but the bad will be filled with trouble.
22 God hates lying lips, but loves those who speak the truth.
23 A wise person keeps knowledge to themselves, but a fool’s heart shouts out silliness.
24 Hard workers will be leaders, but lazy people will be servants.
25 Sadness in a person’s heart weighs them down: but a kind word cheers them up.
26 A good person is better than their neighbor, but the wicked are led astray by their own ways.
27 The lazy person doesn’t cook what they catch hunting, but a hardworking person’s wealth is valuable.
28 Living right brings life: there is no death on that path.