Chapter 3

1 And I said, please listen, leaders of Jacob and rulers of Israel; isn’t it your duty to know what is right?
2 Those who hate good and love evil, who tear off their skin and flesh from their bones.
3 They also eat my people’s flesh, peel off their skin, break their bones, and cut them up like meat for cooking in a pot or caldron.
4 Then they will call out to God, but he will not listen to them: he will hide his face from them at that time because they have acted badly in their actions.
5 God says about the prophets who lead my people astray: they promise peace when they have food to eat, but they declare war against those who don’t feed them.
6 So you will have a night without visions; it will be dark for you, without divination. The sun will set on the prophets, and the day will turn dark for them.
7 Then the seers will be embarrassed, and the diviners will be confused: yes, they will all cover their mouths; because there is no reply from God.
8 I am truly filled with power by God’s spirit, and with judgment and strength, to tell Jacob his wrongdoing, and to Israel his sin.
9 Please listen, leaders of Jacob’s family and rulers of Israel, who hate fairness and twist what is right.
10 They construct Zion with violence, and Jerusalem with wrongdoing.
11 Its leaders judge for bribes, its priests teach for a price, and its prophets tell the future for money. Yet they rely on God and say, “Isn’t God with us? No disaster will come upon us.”
12 So, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will turn into piles of rubble, and the temple hill will become like overgrown hilltops.