Chapter 6

1 God, do not scold me in your anger or discipline me in your rage.
2 Be kind to me, God, because I am weak; God, heal me, for my bones are in pain.
3 I am deeply troubled; but God, how long will it be?
4 Come back, God, save my life; oh, rescue me because you are merciful.
5 When we die, we can’t remember you; who will thank you from the grave?
6 I am tired from my sighing; all night I make my bed wet; I soak my couch with my tears.
7 My eye is worn out from sorrow; it grows weak because of all my enemies.
8 Leave me, all you who do wrong; for God has heard my crying.
9 God has heard my request; God will accept my prayer.
10 May all my enemies feel embarrassed and very upset; may they turn back and suddenly feel shame.