2 Corinthians
Chapter 4

1 Because we are given this service and have received kindness, we do not lose heart.
2 We have turned away from secret and shameful ways; we do not use trickery, nor do we distort God’s message. Instead, by clearly showing the truth, we prove ourselves to everyone’s conscience in God’s presence.
3 If our good news is hidden, it’s hidden from those who are lost.
4 The god of this world has made the minds of unbelievers so they can’t see. This way, the bright Good News about Christ, who is like God, doesn’t shine on them.
5 We do not speak about ourselves, but we speak about Jesus Christ as the Lord; and we are your servants because of Jesus.
6 God, who made light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts to give us the understanding of God’s glory shown in Jesus Christ’s face.
7 We hold this treasure in clay jars, so that the power shown is God’s and not ours.
8 We face troubles on all sides but are not crushed; we are confused but not hopeless.
9 Chased, but not abandoned; knocked down, but not ruined;
10 Always carrying in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be shown in our body.
11 We who are alive are always facing death for Jesus so that Jesus’ life can also be shown in our dying bodies.
12 So death is active in us, but life is in you.
13 We have the same spirit of faith, just as it is written, “I believed, and so I spoke.” We also believe, and so we speak.
14 Understanding that God, who raised Jesus, will also raise us with Jesus, and will bring us together with you.
15 Everything is for you, so that God’s great kindness can spread to more people, making them grateful and honoring God.
16 We don’t lose heart, for even if our bodies are failing, our true self is renewed every day.
17 Our small troubles, which last only a short time, are earning us a much greater and lasting glory.
18 We focus not on what can be seen, but on what cannot be seen. What is seen is temporary; what is unseen is forever.