Chapter 24

1 When Balaam saw that God wanted to bless Israel, he did not look for magic spells like before, but instead he looked towards the desert.
2 Balaam looked up and saw Israel camping by their tribes; then God’s spirit came on him.
3 He began his message and said, Balaam, Beor’s son, who can see clearly, said:
4 He said, he heard God’s words and saw a vision from God, fell into a trance with his eyes open.
5 How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, and your shelters, Israel!
6 Valleys spread out, gardens by the river, trees of aloes that God planted, and cedar trees near the water.
7 He will pour water from his buckets, and his offspring will thrive in many waters, and his king will be greater than Agag, and his kingdom will be lifted high.
8 God led him out of Egypt; he has strength like a wild ox: he will defeat his enemy nations, break their bones, and shoot them with his arrows.
9 He crouched, he lay down like a lion, and like a mighty lion: who will provoke him? Happy is the one who blesses you, and cursed is the one who curses you.
10 Balak became very angry at Balaam and clapped his hands. Then Balak said to Balaam, “I asked you to curse my enemies, but you have completely blessed them three times instead.”
11 So now, go back home: I planned to give you high honor, but God has kept you from it.
12 Balaam said to Balak, “Didn’t I tell your messengers you sent to me, saying,
13 If Balak offered me a house full of money, I cannot ignore God’s command and decide on my own to do good or bad; I will only say what God tells me to.
14 Now I am going to my people. Come, and I will tell you what this people will do to your people in the future.
15 He began his message and said: Balaam, Beor’s son, the man with open eyes, speaks:
16 He said, after hearing God’s words and understanding the Most High’s knowledge, he saw a vision of God while in a trance, yet his eyes were open.
17 I will see him, but not soon. I will look at him, but he’s not close. A star will come from Jacob, and a ruler will rise from Israel. He will defeat Moab’s borders and destroy the descendants of Sheth.
18 Edom will belong to someone, and Seir will also belong to their enemies; Israel will act bravely.
19 A ruler will come from Jacob’s descendants; he will destroy the survivors of the city.
20 When he saw Amalek, he told his story and said, Amalek was the first among nations, but in the end, he will be destroyed forever.
21 He saw the Kenites, and began to tell a story, saying, “Your home is strong, and you place your nest in a rock.”
22 The Kenite people will be destroyed, until Assyria takes you away as prisoners.
23 He began his story and said, “Oh no, who can survive when God does this!”
24 Ships will come from the shores of Chittim and they will attack Asshur and Eber, and he too will be destroyed forever.
25 Balaam got up, went back to his home, and Balak went on his way too.