Song of Solomon
Chapter 4

1 Look, you are beautiful, my love; look, you are beautiful; your eyes are like doves’ eyes among your hair: your hair is like a group of goats seen on Mount Gilead.
2 Your teeth are like a group of sheep with even cuts, freshly washed, where each has a twin, and none is without offspring.
3 Your lips are like a red ribbon, and your words are lovely. Your cheeks are like pieces of pomegranate behind your hair.
4 Your neck is like a strong tower built to hold weapons, with a thousand shields hanging on it, all belonging to strong warriors.
5 Your two breasts are like two young deer that are twins, which browse among the lilies.
6 Until daylight comes and shadows go away, I will go to the myrrh mountain and the frankincense hill.
7 You are completely beautiful, my love; you have no flaws.
8 Come with me from Lebanon, my partner, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from where the lions live, from the mountains where the leopards are.
9 You have captured my heart, my sister, my wife; you have captured my heart with just one look from your eye, with just one necklace around your neck.
10 Your love is so beautiful, my sister, my partner! Your love is better than wine, and your perfume smells better than all spices!
11 Your lips, my partner, drip like honeycomb: honey and milk are beneath your tongue; and your clothes smell like the scent of Lebanon.
12 My sister, my partner, is like a private garden, a locked spring, a sealed fountain.
13 Your garden is like a pomegranate orchard with nice fruits, henna, and nard plants.
14 Nard and saffron; sweet cane and cinnamon, along with every frankincense tree; myrrh and aloes, with all the best spices.
15 A garden’s fountain, a spring of fresh water, and rivers from Lebanon.
16 Wake up, north wind; and come, south wind; blow on my garden, so its fragrances spread. Let my loved one enter his garden and enjoy its delicious fruits.