Chapter 8

1 God spoke to me once more, saying,
2 God says; I felt very jealous for Zion, and my jealousy for her was very strong.
3 God says, “I have come back to Zion, and I will live in the heart of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be known as the City of Truth, and God’s holy mountain will be called the Sacred Mountain.”
4 God says: Old men and women will still live in Jerusalem’s streets, each with a cane because of their great age.
5 The city’s streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.
6 God says: Even if this seems amazing to the few people left today, wouldn’t it seem amazing to me as well? says God.
7 God says, “Look, I will rescue my people from the east and from the west.”
8 I will bring them to live in the center of Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and fairness.
9 God says; Stay strong, all who hear the prophets’ words today, spoken since the time the temple foundation was laid, so that the temple can be built.
10 Before these days, people and animals did not get paid; there was no peace for anyone going or coming because of the trouble. I made everyone turn against their neighbor.
11 But now I will not act towards the remaining people as I did before, says God.
12 The seeds will grow well; the vine will produce fruit, the earth will yield its crops, and the sky will give its dew; and I will let the survivors among the people have all these things.
13 It will happen that, just as you were a curse among the nations, O people of Judah and Israel, so I will rescue you, and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid, but be strong.
14 God says, “Just as I planned to punish you when your ancestors made me angry, says God, and I did not change my mind.”
15 So, I have decided once more to be good to Jerusalem and the people of Judah: do not be afraid.
16 Do these things: Tell the truth to each other; make honest and peaceful decisions in your communities.
17 Do not think of hurting others in your hearts, and do not like lying promises, because I hate all these things, says God.
18 God’s message came to me, saying,
19 God says: The fasts in the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months will bring joy, happiness, and cheerful festivals to Judah’s people; so love honesty and peace.
20 God says; It will happen, that people will come from many cities.
21 People from one city will go to another, saying, “Let’s go quickly to worship God and to seek God. I will go too.”
22 Yes, many people and powerful nations will come to look for God in Jerusalem and to pray to God.
23 God says, in those days, ten men from different nations and languages will grab the clothes of a Jewish man, saying, “We want to go with you because we’ve heard that God is with you.”