2 Timothy
Chapter 3

1 Understand that in the last days, dangerous times will come.
2 People will love themselves, desire too much, brag, be arrogant, disrespect God, not obey parents, not be thankful, and not be respectful.
3 Unloving, promise-breakers, liars, without self-control, violent, haters of the good,
4 People who betray others, act without thinking, are full of themselves, and love fun more than they love God.
5 They act religious but reject its true power. Stay away from these people.
6 These people sneak into homes and take control of weak-willed women burdened with sins and swayed by various desires.
7 Always learning, but never able to understand the truth.
8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these people also reject the truth: they are corrupt thinkers and fail to accept the faith.
9 They won’t get any further: everyone will see their foolishness, just as others’ was seen.
10 You fully know my teaching, way of life, goal, faith, endurance, love, and patience.
11 Hard times and troubles that happened to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra, the tough situations I went through: but God rescued me from them all.
12 Everyone who wants to live a good life in Christ Jesus will face troubles.
13 Bad people and tricksters will become more and more wicked, cheating others and being cheated themselves.
14 Keep following the teachings you have learned and are sure of, knowing who taught them to you.
15 From childhood, you have known the sacred writings that can teach you to be saved through faith in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture comes from God’s inspiration and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for improving, and for training in right living.
17 So the person who serves God can be complete, fully equipped for every good action.