Chapter 27

1 Job kept on speaking his story, and said,
2 God lives, who has taken away my justice; and the Almighty, who has troubled my soul.
3 As long as I breathe, and God’s breath is in my nose;
4 I will not speak evil, nor will my tongue tell lies.
5 I would never agree with you; I will keep my honesty until I die.
6 I keep to my righteousness and will not give it up; my heart will not blame me as long as I live.
7 Let my enemy be like the wicked, and the one who attacks me be like the unjust.
8 What hope does a fake person have, even if they are rich, when God takes their life?
9 Will God listen to him when he calls for help during trouble?
10 Does he enjoy the Almighty? Will he constantly ask for God’s help?
11 I will teach you by God’s power; I won’t hide what is with the Almighty.
12 Look, you have all seen it yourselves; so why do you continue to act so foolishly?
13 This is what a bad person gets from God, and what bullies will get from the All-Powerful.
14 If he has many children, they are for death, and his descendants will not have enough food.
15 The ones left of him will be buried when they die, and his widows won’t cry.
16 Even if he piles up silver like dust and stores up clothes like dirt,
17 He might make it ready, but good people will wear it, and those who did nothing wrong will share the money.
18 He builds his house like a moth, and like a temporary shelter put up by a caretaker.
19 The rich man will lie down but won’t be picked up again; he opens his eyes, and he’s gone.
20 Fears grip him like water, a storm sweeps him away at night.
21 The east wind takes him away, and he goes; a storm throws him out of his place.
22 God will throw down on him and will not hold back; he really wants to escape from his power.
23 People will clap their hands at him and boo him from his spot.