Chapter 20

1 Wine can mock you, strong drink can cause trouble, and anyone fooled by it is not smart.
2 Being afraid of a king is like hearing a lion roar: whoever makes him angry harms themselves.
3 It is honorable for a person to avoid arguments, but a foolish person keeps interfering.
4 The lazy person won’t plow because it’s cold; so they will have to beg during harvest time and will get nothing.
5 Advice in a person’s heart is deep; but a wise person can bring it out.
6 Many people brag about how good they are, but finding someone faithful is hard.
7 A good person lives honestly, and their children are fortunate because of them.
8 A king sitting on the judgment throne chases away all evil with his look.
9 Who can claim, I have cleaned my heart, I am free from my sin?
10 Different weights and different measures, both are hated by God.
11 A child’s actions show if their behavior is good and if what they do is right.
12 God made both the ear that hears and the eye that sees.
13 Don’t love sleeping too much, or you will become poor; wake up, and you will have enough food to eat.
14 It’s no good, it’s no good, says the buyer; but when he leaves, then he brags.
15 There is gold and many rubies, but wise words are a valuable treasure.
16 Take his clothes if he promises for a stranger; get a security from him for an unknown woman.
17 Food gained by cheating may taste good, but later it will feel like eating rocks.
18 Every plan is set by advice: and with wise guidance, you should fight a battle.
19 Someone who spreads gossip tells secrets; so don’t associate with a person who talks too much.
20 Anyone who curses their father or mother will have their light snuffed out in complete darkness.
21 Getting an inheritance quickly at first may not lead to a blessing in the end.
22 Do not say, “I will pay back evil;” but wait for God, and He will rescue you.
23 Different weights that cheat are disgusting to God; a dishonest scale is bad.
24 A person’s paths are directed by God; so how can a person understand their own way?
25 A trap is set for the person who eats sacred things and then asks questions after making promises.
26 A wise king spreads out the bad people and rolls justice over them.
27 A person’s spirit is like God’s light, shining deep inside them.
28 Kindness and truth protect the king; his rule is supported by kindness.
29 Young men are honored for their strength, and older men are respected for their gray hair.
30 A bruise cleans out badness: in the same way, punishment cleans the inside of a person.