2 Timothy
Chapter 2

1 You, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ.
2 The teachings you have heard from me, in front of many witnesses, pass on to trustworthy people who can also teach others.
3 So, be strong like a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4 A person fighting in a war does not get involved with everyday life activities, so they can please the one who chose them to be a soldier.
5 If someone competes in contests, they are not awarded a crown unless they compete according to the rules.
6 The farmer who works hard should be the first to enjoy the fruits of his work.
7 Think about what I say, and may God help you understand everything.
8 Remember that Jesus Christ, who came from David’s family, was brought back to life as told in my good news.
9 I face hardship as if I were a criminal, even to the point of being chained; yet God’s message is not chained.
10 I put up with everything for the chosen people’s sake, so they can also find the salvation in Christ Jesus that comes with eternal glory.
11 This saying is true: If we died with him, we will also live with him.
12 If we go through hard times, we will also rule with him; if we reject him, he will also reject us.
13 If we don’t believe, he remains faithful; he cannot contradict himself.
14 Remind them of these things and tell them in God’s presence not to argue about words. It doesn’t help anyone and ruins those who listen.
15 Make an effort to be acceptable to God, a worker with no need to be ashamed, properly understanding and teaching the true message.
16 Stay away from disrespectful and pointless talk; it leads to more wrong behavior.
17 Their teaching will spread like a disease. It includes Hymenaeus and Philetus.
18 They are wrong about the truth, claiming the resurrection has already happened, and they destroy the faith of some.
19 God’s foundation stands firm, with this mark: God knows who belongs to Him. And anyone who calls on Christ’s name should turn away from wrongdoing.
20 In a big house, there are not just containers of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special use, and some for everyday use.
21 If a person cleans himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, made holy, and ready for the owner’s use, prepared for every good action.
22 Run away from young people’s strong desires. But chase after living right, trusting, being kind, and peace with those who ask God for help with a clean heart.
23 Stay away from silly and ignorant questions, because they lead to arguments.
24 God’s servant should not argue, but be kind to everyone, able to teach, and patient.
25 Gently teach those who disagree with themselves; if perhaps God will grant them a change of heart to recognize the truth.
26 So they can escape the devil’s trap, who has captured them to do his will.