Chapter 6

1 Brothers, if someone makes a mistake, those of you who are spiritual should help them with gentleness. Think about yourself, so you are not tempted too.
2 Help each other with your troubles, and in this way, you obey the law of Christ.
3 If someone thinks they are important when they are not, they are fooling themselves.
4 Let everyone test their own actions, then they can take pride in themselves without comparing to someone else.
5 Each person must carry their own load.
6 Let the person who learns from the teachings share with their teacher in every good way.
7 Don’t be fooled; no one can mock God: whatever a person plants, that’s what they will harvest.
8 Whoever plants for selfish reasons will harvest ruin, but whoever plants for the Spirit will harvest eternal life.
9 Let’s not get tired of doing good, because at the right time we will get a reward if we don’t give up.
10 Whenever we can, we should help everyone, especially those who share our faith.
11 You see how big a letter I have written to you with my own hand.
12 Many people want to look good outwardly, so they pressure you to get circumcised, just to avoid being persecuted for following Christ’s teachings.
13 Those who are circumcised don’t follow the law; they just want you to be circumcised so they can boast about what they did to you.
14 I would never boast except about the cross of Jesus Christ, which makes the world dead to me and me dead to the world.
15 In Christ Jesus, being circumcised or not doesn’t matter, but being a new person does.
16 Everyone who follows this rule will have peace and mercy, as will all of God’s people.
17 From now on let no one cause me trouble, because I have the scars of Jesus on my body.
18 Friends, may the kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.