Chapter 36

1 Elihu continued and spoke,
2 Let me speak a bit more, for I still have things to say about God.
3 I will bring my knowledge from far away and give credit for being right to my Creator.
4 I speak the truth, and someone with perfect understanding is with you.
5 Look, God is powerful and does not reject anyone; He is strong and wise.
6 He does not keep the wicked alive but gives justice to the poor.
7 God never stops watching the good people; he sets them to rule with kings on thrones, making their power secure forever, and they are lifted high.
8 If they are tied up in chains and caught in ropes of trouble;
9 Then he shows them what they have done and the wrongs they have committed by going too far.
10 God opens their ears to instruction and orders them to turn away from wrongdoing.
11 If they listen and work for God, they will live with success and enjoy their years.
12 If they don’t obey, they will die by the sword and will die without understanding.
13 The insincere in heart store up anger; they don’t cry out when he [God] restrains them.
14 They die young, and their life ends among the impure.
15 He saves the needy in their trouble and listens to them when they are oppressed.
16 God would have taken you from a tight place to a spacious place with no tightness; your table would have been full of richness.
17 But you have carried out the punishment of the wicked: punishment and fairness catch up with you.
18 Be careful, because if God gets angry, he might punish you, and no large payment can save you.
19 Will he value your wealth? No, not gold or any strong army.
20 Do not wish for the night when people are taken away from where they are.
21 Be careful, don’t accept wrongdoing because you prefer it over suffering.
22 Look, God lifts up with His power: who can teach like Him?
23 Who has directed his path? Or who can say, “You have done wrong”?
24 Remember to praise God’s work that people see.
25 Everyone can see it; people can spot it from far away.
26 Look, God is great, and we do not know him, and no one can understand how long he has existed.
27 He turns water into tiny drops; they fall as rain matching the mist.
28 The clouds pour down and sprinkle plenty of water on people.
29 Can anyone understand how the clouds spread out, or the sounds from his home in the sky?
30 Look, he spreads his light over it and covers the sea’s depths.
31 God judges the people by these things; he provides plenty of food.
32 He covers the sun with clouds and orders them to block the light.
33 The sound of it tells about it, the livestock also about the mist.