Chapter 26

1 But Job replied and spoke,
2 How have you helped the person with no power? How can you save the arm that has no strength?
3 How have you advised someone who lacks wisdom? And how have you fully explained the situation as it is?
4 Who did you speak to? And who inspired your words?
5 Dead things take shape beneath the waters, and those that live there.
6 God sees everything in hell, and nothing can hide destruction.
7 He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.
8 He gathers water into his heavy clouds, and the clouds don’t break under the weight.
9 He covers his throne and puts a cloud over it.
10 He has set limits for the waters, until the time when day and night end.
11 Heaven’s pillars shake and are amazed at his scolding.
12 He splits the sea with his strength, and with his wisdom, he defeats the arrogant.
13 By his Spirit, he made the skies beautiful; his hand shaped the twisted snake.
14 Look, these are some of his actions, but we hear only a small part about him. Who can grasp the greatness of his power?