Chapter 15

1 Eliphaz from Teman replied and said.
2 Should a wise person speak empty words and fill themselves with useless thoughts?
3 Should he argue with useless words or speak where he can do no good?
4 Yes, you throw away respect and stop praying to God.
5 Your mouth speaks your wrongs, and you talk like a tricky person.
6 Your own words condemn you, not me; your own lips speak against you.
7 Are you the first man who was born? Or were you created before the hills?
8 Have you heard God’s secret? And do you keep wisdom to yourself?
9 What do you know that we don’t? What do you understand that we don’t have in us?
10 With us are old men with gray hair, much older than your father.
11 Is God’s comfort unimportant to you? Is there something you are hiding?
12 Why does your heart lead you astray? And what are your eyes signaling?
13 Are you turning against God and letting such words come out of your mouth?
14 Who is a person, that they can be pure? And someone born of a woman, that they can be right?
15 Look, God does not fully trust his holy ones; even the skies are not pure in his eyes.
16 How much more disgusting and dirty is a person, who drinks up wrong like water?
17 I will show you, listen to me; and I will tell you what I have seen.
18 Wise people shared wisdom from their ancestors and did not hide it.
19 God gave the earth to them alone, and no outsider went among them.
20 The bad person suffers through all his days, and the years he will live are unknown to the bully.
21 He hears terrifying noises: even when he’s doing well, destruction will hit him.
22 He doesn’t believe he will escape from darkness, and he is expected to meet the sword.
23 He roams around looking for bread, asking, “Where is it?” He knows that times of trouble are close by.
24 Worry and distress will scare him; they will overcome him, like a king prepared for battle.
25 He reaches out his hand against God, and makes himself strong against the Almighty.
26 He charges at him, right at his neck, on the thick parts of his shields.
27 Because he covers his face with his fat and gets layers of fat on his sides.
28 He lives in empty cities, in houses where no one lives, that are about to turn into ruins.
29 He will not become rich, his wealth will not last, nor will he keep its success on earth.
30 He will not escape the darkness; the fire will wither his branches, and he will be gone with a puff of breath.
31 Don’t let the person who is fooled trust in things that have no value, because they will only get emptiness in return.
32 It will happen before its time, and its sprout will not be green.
33 He will lose his young grapes like a vine, and drop his blossoms like an olive tree.
34 The group of fakes will be left empty, and fire will burn down the tents of the corrupt.
35 They plan trouble, give birth to empty promises, and their hearts breed lies.