Chapter 34

1 I will always bless God; I will constantly praise him with my words.
2 I will proudly speak of God; the humble will hear and be happy.
3 Let’s praise God together and lift up his name.
4 I looked for God, and he listened to me, and saved me from all my worries.
5 They looked at him and found brightness; their faces showed no shame.
6 This man in need cried out, and God heard him, and rescued him from all his troubles.
7 God’s angel camps around those who respect him and saves them.
8 Try and discover that God is good: happy is the person who trusts in Him.
9 Respect God, all you who are his holy people, because those who respect him will have everything they need.
10 Young lions may go hungry, but those who look for God will not lack anything good.
11 Come, children, listen to me: I will teach you to reverence God.
12 Who is the person who wants a long life to enjoy good things?
13 Control your tongue from evil, and keep your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Turn away from bad things, and do good things; look for peace, and keep trying to get it.
15 God watches over good people, and he listens to their calls for help.
16 God is against those who do evil, to remove any memory of them from the earth.
17 Good people cry out, and God hears them, and saves them from all their troubles.
18 God is close to those with a broken heart and saves those with a humble spirit.
19 Righteous people have many troubles, but God saves them from every one.
20 He protects all his bones; not even one is broken.
21 Wrongdoing will kill the bad people; those who dislike good people will end up alone.
22 God saves the souls of his servants, and none who trust in him will be abandoned.