Chapter 41

1 Happy is the one who thinks about the poor; God will save him when trouble comes.
2 God will protect him and keep him alive; he will be happy on earth, and you will not let his enemies defeat him.
3 God will give him strength when he is sick in bed; you will take care of him during his illness.
4 I said, “God, be kind to me: make my soul better; for I have done wrong against you.”
5 My enemies say bad things about me, asking, “When will he die and his name be forgotten?”
6 If he comes to visit, he speaks nonsense; his heart collects evil thoughts, and when he leaves, he spreads them.
7 Everyone who hates me talks secretly against me; they plan to harm me.
8 They say a terrible sickness sticks to him; and now that he’s down, he will not get up again.
9 Yes, my close friend whom I trusted, who shared my food, has turned against me.
10 But you, God, be kind to me, and lift me up, so I can pay them back.
11 I know you favor me because my enemy hasn’t defeated me.
12 As for me, you support me in my honesty, and place me in your presence forever.
13 Praise God of Israel forever and ever. Amen.