Chapter 2

1 So, if there is any comfort from being united with Christ, if any love brings comfort, if we share in the Spirit, if there is any warmth and kindness,
2 Make my joy complete by agreeing with each other, sharing the same love, and being united in thoughts and purpose.
3 Do nothing out of fighting or empty pride; instead, with humble minds, value others more than yourselves.
4 Don’t just look out for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.
5 Have the same mindset as Jesus Christ did.
6 Even though he was like God, he did not see being equal with God as something to hold onto.
7 He made himself humble, became a servant, and was born as a human.
8 Being found as a man, he became humble and obeyed to the point of death, even dying on a cross.
9 So God has lifted him high and given him a name greater than any other name.
10 Everyone should kneel to honor Jesus’ name - those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.
11 Everyone should agree that Jesus Christ is the Lord to honor God the Father.
12 So, my dear friends, just as you have always followed, not only when I am with you but even more now that I’m not, keep working on your own rescue with respect and care.
13 God is the one who makes you want to do and actually do what pleases Him.
14 Do everything without complaining or arguing.
15 So that you may be pure and good, children of God, without fault, in a wicked and twisted world, where you shine like stars.
16 Offering the message of life; so I can be joyful when Christ comes, knowing my efforts were not wasted.
17 Yes, and if I am like a drink offering on the offering and service of your faith, I am happy and share joy with all of you.
18 For this reason, you too be glad and share my joy.
19 I hope Jesus will let me send Timothy to you soon, so I can feel better after learning how you are doing.
20 I have no one else who truly cares for your well-being.
21 Everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.
22 You know how he has shown himself, like a son with his father, working with me to spread the good news.
23 So I plan to send him to you soon, once I know what will happen with me.
24 I trust in God that I will also come soon.
25 I thought it was important to send Epaphroditus to you – my brother, coworker, and fellow soldier – who is also your messenger and has helped me with my needs.
26 He really missed you all and was very worried because you heard he was ill.
27 He was really sick, almost dying, but God showed mercy on him; not just on him, but on me too, so I wouldn’t have even more sadness.
28 I sent him with extra care so that when you see him again, you can be happy and I can be less sad.
29 Welcome him in the name of God with joy; and respect such people.
30 He was near death because of his work for Christ, risking his life to help me when you could not.