Chapter 132

1 God, remember David and all his hardships.
2 He promised to God and made a vow to the powerful God of Jacob.
3 I will not enter my home or go to my bed;
4 I will not let my eyes sleep or my eyelids close.
5 Until I find a place for God, a home for the powerful God of Jacob.
6 We heard about it in Ephratah and found it in the forest fields.
7 We will enter his tents: we will worship at his footrest.
8 Get up, God, and go to your resting place; you and the chest that shows your power.
9 May your priests wear goodness, and may your holy people yell happily.
10 For your servant David’s sake, do not reject your chosen one.
11 God has truly promised David; he will not break his promise; I will put one of your descendants on your throne.
12 If your children follow my agreement and the lessons I give them, their children will rule on your throne forever.
13 God has chosen Zion; he wants it as his home.
14 This is where I will rest forever; I will live here because I want it.
15 I will greatly bless her food supply; I will fill her needy with bread.
16 I will dress her priests in salvation, and her holy people will loudly celebrate with joy.
17 I will make David’s power grow there; I have set up a light for my chosen one.
18 I will cover his enemies with shame, but his own crown will thrive.