Chapter 5

1 King Belshazzar made a huge feast for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine in front of them.
2 While Belshazzar was drinking wine, he ordered to bring the gold and silver cups that Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. He wanted the king, his leaders, his wives, and his mistresses to drink from them.
3 Then they brought the gold cups taken from God’s temple in Jerusalem; and the king, his officials, his wives, and his mistresses drank from them.
4 They drank wine and praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.
5 Right then, fingers like a man’s appeared and wrote on the wall by the lampstand in the king’s palace. The king saw the hand as it was writing.
6 The king’s face changed and his thoughts scared him, making his hips shake and his knees knock together.
7 The king shouted to bring the star readers, the Chaldeans, and fortune tellers. The king said to Babylon’s wise men, “Whoever reads this writing and explains it to me will be dressed in red, wear a gold chain, and be the third most powerful in the kingdom.”
8 All the king’s smart people came in, but they couldn’t read the writing or explain its meaning to the king.
9 King Belshazzar became very worried, his face showed his fear, and his nobles were amazed.
10 The queen heard what the king and his nobles said and entered the banquet hall. She spoke, “King, may you live forever. Don’t be upset or look so troubled.”
11 In your kingdom, there’s a man with God’s holy spirit. He was known for his wisdom like that of the gods during your father’s time. This man, whom King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, put in charge of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and fortune tellers.
12 Because Daniel has a great spirit, knowledge, and insight, can explain dreams, solve difficult problems, and clear up questions, let him be brought to interpret this.
13 Daniel was brought to the king. The king said to Daniel, “Are you Daniel from the captives of Judah, whom my father the king brought from the land of the Jews?”
14 I have heard that God’s spirit is in you and that you have knowledge, insight, and great wisdom.
15 And now, the wise men and astrologers have been presented to me to read this writing and explain its meaning, but they could not reveal what it means.
16 I have heard you can explain dreams and solve problems. If you can read this writing and explain it to me, you will be dressed in red clothes, wear a gold necklace, and be the third highest leader in the kingdom.
17 Daniel spoke to the king, “Keep your gifts for yourself and give your rewards to someone else; but I will read the writing for the king and explain what it means.”
18 O king, the highest God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom, greatness, honor, and glory.
19 Because of the greatness God gave him, all people, countries, and languages were afraid and shook before him. Whoever he wanted to kill, he killed; whoever he wanted to keep alive, he spared; whoever he wanted to raise up, he raised; and whoever he wanted to lower, he lowered.
20 When he became proud and stubborn, he was removed from his throne and his royal honor was taken away.
21 He was sent away from people; his mind became like animals’ minds, and he lived with wild donkeys. They gave him grass to eat like cows, and his body was wet with the morning dew; until he realized that God, the highest ruler, controls the kingdom of people and chooses whoever he wants to be in charge.
22 And you, his son Belshazzar, did not humble your heart even though you knew all this.
23 You have acted proudly against God of heaven. People brought God’s house cups to you, and you, your leaders, wives, and girlfriends drank wine from them. You praised gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which can’t see, hear, or know. Yet, you didn’t honor the God who holds your life and controls your actions.
24 Then the hand was sent by God, and this message was written.
25 This is the message that was written: Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Divided.
26 God has counted your kingdom’s days and has brought it to an end.
27 You have been weighed on the scales and found not good enough.
28 Your kingdom is split and given to the Medes and Persians.
29 Belshazzar ordered, and they dressed Daniel in a red robe, put a gold chain around his neck, and announced that he would be the third highest leader in the kingdom.
30 That night, Belshazzar, the Chaldean king, was killed.
31 Darius from Media became the king at about 62 years old.