Chapter 17

1 The load Damascus carries: Look, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a pile of ruins.
2 The cities of Aroer are abandoned: they will become places for flocks to rest, with no one to scare them.
3 The stronghold will end in Ephraim, and the rule will end in Damascus, along with what’s left of Syria. They will be like the honor of Israel’s people, says God.
4 On that day, Jacob’s glory will fade, and his body will become thin.
5 It will be like when a farmer gathers the corn and cuts the ears with his arm; and it will be like someone collecting ears of corn in the Valley of Rephaim.
6 Some grapes will still be found in it, like when an olive tree is shaken, two or three olives at the very top, four or five on the outermost branches, says the God of Israel.
7 On that day, a person will look to God, and his eyes will honor the Holy One of Israel.
8 He will not look to the altars his hands built, nor will he regard what his fingers made, whether sacred poles or idols.
9 On that day, his powerful cities will be like abandoned branches, left because of the Israelites, and they will be empty and ruined.
10 Because you forgot the God who saves you and didn’t remember the strong rock who supports you, you will plant nice plants, but they will grow from unusual roots.
11 On that day, you will care for your plants, and in the morning you will see your seeds sprout; but the crop will be destroyed on the day of pain and terrible sadness.
12 Trouble for the crowds of many people, who sound like the sea’s roar; and for the nations’ rushing, sounding like the roar of great waters!
13 Nations will come quickly like a flood, but God will scold them, and they’ll run away far off, chased like dry plants on the mountains by the wind, and like tumbleweed before a storm.
14 Look, at night comes trouble; by morning it’s gone. This is what happens to those who destroy us, the fate of those who steal from us.