Chapter 26

1 In the eleventh year, on the first day of the month, God’s message came to me.
2 Human, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, “Aha, she is destroyed, the one who was the door to the nations: she has come to me: I will grow rich, now that she is ruined:”
3 So this is what God says: Look, I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you like the sea brings its waves.
4 They will knock down the walls of Tyre and destroy her towers. I will sweep away her rubble and make her bare like a rock.
5 It will be a place to spread nets in the sea, because I said so, says God; and it will be taken by other countries.
6 Her daughters in the field will be killed by the sword; and they will understand that I am God.
7 For this is what God says: I will send Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, a powerful king, from the north with horses, chariots, cavalry, troops, and a large army to attack Tyre.
8 He will kill your daughters in the field with a sword; he will build a fort against you, pile up earth against you, and raise a shield against you.
9 He will position war machines against your walls, and with his axes, he will destroy your towers.
10 Because of his many horses, their dust will cover you. Your walls will shake from the sound of horsemen, wheels, and chariots when he enters your gates, like people enter a city that has been broken into.
11 His horses’ hooves will stomp all over your streets; he will kill your people with the sword, and your strong defenses will be destroyed.
12 They will take your wealth and steal your goods. They will tear down your walls and ruin your nice homes. They will throw your stones, wood, and dirt into the water.
13 I will stop the sound of your songs; no one will hear your harps anymore.
14 I will turn you into a bare rock: you will become a spot to dry fishing nets; you will never be rebuilt: because I, God, have said so, declares God.
15 This is what God says to Tyre: Won’t the islands tremble at the noise of your collapse, when the injured moan, when there’s killing in your streets?
16 All the sea leaders will step down from their thrones, take off their robes, and remove their fancy clothes. They will dress with fear, sit on the ground, shake all the time, and be amazed at you.
17 They will mourn for you and say, “How are you ruined, once home to sea people, the famous city, strong on the ocean, you and your people, spreading fear to all who visited!”
18 The islands will shake on the day you fall; even the islands in the sea will be scared when you leave.
19 For this is what God says: When I make you an empty city, like those cities that no one lives in; when I bring the deep waters over you and the great waters cover you;
20 When I bring you down with those going into the deep hole, with ancient peoples, and put you in the earth’s depths, in long-desolate places, with those going into the deep hole, so you will not be lived in; and I will show greatness in the land of the living.
21 I will turn you into a horror, and you will cease to exist: even if people look for you, you will never be found again, says God.